SURVEY: One-Third of Delaware Households Lack Preparedness for Impending Natural Disasters


In recent years, natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes have become increasingly frequent, gradually becoming the new norm. ServiceMaster Restoration by Zaba commissioned a survey of 3,000 respondents to gauge the level of preparedness among households for coping with catastrophic weather conditions. When it came to Delaware specifically – a state affected by severe thunderstorms during the spring and summer months – the survey found that almost one-third of households do not take proactive steps to prepare for extreme weather events. Across the board, the survey revealed that a significant 31% of households do not take any proactive measures ahead of natural disasters. On the other hand, Idaho emerged as the state with the most prepared residents, with 80% of households taking steps to prepare for natural disasters.

Additional Information from the Survey Results:

Preparedness Pulse: One-third of Delaware Households Lack Preparedness for Impending Natural Disasters, Reveals Survey.

  • Over 1-in-3 say they suffer from anxiety related to extreme weather.
  • Less than half (48%) say they fully understand the risks of natural weather events in their area.
  • Interactive map shows extreme weather preparedness in each state. 

In recent years, natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes have become increasingly frequent, gradually becoming the new norm. 

ServiceMaster Restoration by Zaba commissioned a survey of 3,000 respondents to gauge the level of preparedness among households for coping with catastrophic weather conditions. For example, do Texans stockpile water in anticipation of droughts, Illinoisans maintain their sump pumps to withstand flooding, and Californians take precautionary measures like cleaning gutters, porches, and decks to mitigate the risks associated with wildfires?

Alarmingly, the survey revealed that a significant 31% of households do not take any proactive measures ahead of natural disasters. This lack of preparation is particularly concerning in states like Washington, where only 44% of households reported taking preventive steps, despite the state’s vulnerability to several natural disasters due to its diverse geography and climate. Washington is prone to earthquakes, floods, and wildfires, making it essential for residents to be well-prepared.

On the other hand, Idaho emerged as the state with the most prepared residents, with 80% of households taking steps to prepare for natural disasters. Idaho’s fire season typically extends from late spring through early fall when conditions are dry and hot. Additionally, flooding is a frequent hazard in the state, particularly during the spring when snowmelt from the mountains swells rivers and streams, and flash flooding can occur during heavy rainstorms.

When it came to Delaware specifically – a state affected by severe thunderstorms during the spring and summer months – the survey found that almost one-third of households do not take proactive steps to prepare for extreme weather events. Delaware is prone to severe thunderstorms during the spring and summer, which can bring heavy rain, lightning, damaging winds, and hail. These storms can occasionally produce tornadoes, though they are less common compared to other regions.

Infographic showing extreme weather preparedness in each state

The survey also shed light on the psychological impact of extreme weather events, with over 1 in 3 (35%) respondents reporting that they suffer from anxiety due to these occurrences. Among households that do not take preventive measures, financial constraints were cited as the primary reason, followed by uncertainty about the necessary supplies or actions to take. Surprisingly, 13% of respondents said that no one had explained to them what they need to do and why.

The survey also revealed a significant knowledge gap, with less than half (48%) of participants stating that they fully understand the risks of natural weather events in their area. Furthermore, only 1 in 5 respondents reported having a set plan among household members in case of a natural disaster.

Finally, when asked about their household’s ability to sustain itself with current emergency supplies after an extreme weather event, 22% said they could only last for a few days, while 36% said they could survive for one week. Only 3% of respondents declared that they could sustain themselves for three weeks.

The results of our survey are a wake-up call for all Americans,” said Diana Rodriguez-Zaba, founder of ServiceMaster Restoration by Zaba. “It’s alarming to see that so many households are not taking any proactive measures to prepare for natural disasters, despite the increasing frequency and severity of these events. Diligent property maintenance can mean the difference between preservation and loss – in fact, preparedness should not be considered a choice, but a necessity.”

ServiceMaster Restoration by Zaba has included some basic tips on how best to prepare for extreme weather events:


•    Secure heavy furniture and appliances to walls to prevent tipping.
•    Store breakable items in low, closed cabinets with latches.
•    Prepare an emergency kit with food, water, medications, flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit.
•    Plan and practice earthquake drills with your family to quickly find safe spots away from windows, bookcases, or tall furniture.
•    Know how to shut off gas, water, and electricity in case the lines are damaged.


•    Elevate electrical systems, appliances, and install flood vents to reduce damage.
•    Keep important documents in a waterproof container and create digital copies.
•    Ensure proper landscaping to direct water away from your home.
•    Consider investing in sandbags and other flood-defense materials.
•    Create an evacuation plan that includes a go-bag with essentials and know local flood evacuation routes.

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms:

•    Install storm shutters or board up windows to protect them from breaking.
•    Trim trees and shrubs around your home to make them more wind-resistant.
•    Secure outdoor objects that could blow away or cause damage.
•    Store a supply of non-perishable food and water for several days.
•    Keep a battery-powered radio and stay informed about the storm’s path and emergency instructions.


•    Identify a safe room or storm shelter in your home; if not available, a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor without windows is best.
•    Keep helmets and heavy shoes in your shelter area to protect against flying debris.
•    Conduct regular tornado drills with your family so everyone knows where to go and what to do.
•    Have an emergency kit ready in your shelter area.


•    Create a defensible space around your home by clearing away brush and dead vegetation.
•    Use fire-resistant materials for roofing and siding if possible.
•    Prepare a ‘wildfire action plan’ with evacuation routes and a communication plan.
•    Have an emergency kit with N95 respirator masks to protect against smoke inhalation.
•    Keep a hose connected and ready to douse small fires if safe to do so.


•    Invest in water-efficient fixtures and appliances.
•    Landscape with drought-tolerant plants and practice water-conservation techniques.
•    Have a plan for maintaining critical water supplies for drinking, sanitation, and hygiene.
•    Stay informed about local water restrictions and conservation strategies.
