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A service for nanotechnology industry professionals · Monday, February 17, 2025 · 786,800,432 Articles · 3+ Million Readers Just Crowned ‘Dr Christina Rahm’ the “New Queen of Direct Selling” in New Empowering Article, New York NY

The ROOT-Brands is ‘Best-of-State’ Health, Nutrition, Lifestyle Company based on Nature’s Solutions. is 5-Star Rated, Peered Reviewed & Top 10

The ROOT Brands’ products are revolutionary, internationally renowned, and effectively designed to Detox, Improve Immunity and Boost Health & Wellness.”
— Gevers, Chief Science Officer

Es war ein besonderes Erlebnis, als Ilona Dame im April von ihrem Wohnsitz in Bulgarien nach Deutschland reiste, um ihrer Heimatstadt Erfurt einen Besuch abzustatten und die Gründer des US-Unternehmens ROOT, Dr. Christina Rahm und Clayton Thomas, beim Meet & Greet in Frankfurt zu treffen. Beide waren im Rahmen ihrer Europa-Tour auch nach Deutschland gekommen. „ROOT schlägt momentan alle Rekorde“, erzählt die Führungskraft und weist darauf hin, dass Deutschland aktuell das umsatzstärkste Land ist, gefolgt von USA, Österreich und Schweiz.

Ilona Dame führt den Erfolg von ROOT auf das große Interesse an unterstützenden Maßnahmen zur Entgiftung des Körpers zurück. Hier überzeugt ROOT mit seinen Produkten (unter anderem Clean Slate) nicht nur Kunden, sondern auch Affiliates. Der Vertrieb gestaltet sich nicht als typisches Network-Marketing-Konstrukt, sondern basiert auf dem Empfehlungsmarketing. Wer sich als Kunde registriert, verfügt sofort über einen Link zur Weitergabe und kann Geld verdienen, ohne Eigenumsatz tätigen zu müssen.

Der Rang „Platinum Super Ambassador 3“ war der Unternehmerin Ende Mai sicher und so freute sie sich auf das persönliche Treffen mit den Foundern. „Beim Meet and Greet wollten Dr. Christina Rahm und Clayton Thomas wissen, welche Hürden wir im Alltag zu meistern haben“, so Dame und schätzte das ehrliche Interesse der Unternehmensgründer, die „eine unfassbar positive Energie ausstrahlen und die Anliegen der Leader genauso ernst nehmen wie die der Kunden und Partner.

Die CEOs sind sehr daran interessiert zu erfahren, wo uns der Schuh drückt und wo nachgebessert werden kann. Sie wünschen sich dieses Feedback.“ Bei Ilona Dame führte das Gespräch dazu, dass sich ein Programmierer noch in der Nacht mit ihr in Verbindung setzte, um eine Schwachstelle im System ausräumen zu können.

Eine derartige Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit hat Ilona Dame in all den Jahren noch nicht erlebt. Die ROOT-Unternehmensspitze war nicht nur aus den USA gekommen, um Hände zu schütteln, die Partner kennen zu lernen und Fragen zu beantworten. Nach einer Messe in London reisten sie außerdem nach Paris und Amsterdam. Auch Ilona Dame nutzte den Aufenthalt in Deutschland, um sich mit Partnern aus ihrem Team zu treffen und auszutauschen.

| | Dr. Christina Rahm, international anerkannte Forscherin, Umweltgesundheitsberaterin, Unternehmerin und Autorin, lebt definitiv ihr bestes Leben und ist bestrebt, anderen dabei zu helfen, dasselbe zu tun. Wenn es wissenschaftliche Bereiche sind, die Christina von vorne bis hinten kennt, dann sind es Psychologie, Biowissenschaften und Nanotechnologie – mit fortgeschrittenen Abschlüssen in allen dreien. Sie ist die Chefformuliererin eines aufstrebenden Nutrazeutika-Unternehmens, CEO und Gründerin mehrerer innovativer Unternehmen, darunter ein neues Einzelhandelsunternehmen für Mode, Kunst und Wellness, und eine hingebungsvolle Mutter von vier Kindern. Doch ihre Reise von tausend Meilen begann mit vielen schmerzhaften Schritten. Dr. Rahm wuchs auf einer Farm in der kleinen Stadt Dexter, Missouri, auf, einem Ort, an dem die Menschen freundlich sind und ihr Wort halten. Hier erhielt sie ihre ersten Einblicke in die Gemeinschaft, in das Aufbauen von etwas aus dem Nichts, in Beharrlichkeit und harte Arbeit.

Internationally acclaimed research scientist, environmental health consultant, entrepreneur, and author, Dr. Christina Rahm is most definitely living her best life, and she’s eager to help others do the same. If it’s scientific fields Christina knows front to back, it’s psychology, bioscience engineering, and nanotechnology - having advanced degrees in all three. She’s the chief formulator for an emerging nutraceutical company, CEO and founder of multiple innovative enterprises, including a new retail fashion, art and wellness company, and a devoted mother of four. Yet, her journey of a thousand miles began with many painful steps. Dr. Rahm grew up on a farm in the small town of Dexter, Missouri, the kind of place where people are kind and keep their word. It’s where she was given her first glimpses of community, of building something from nothing, of perseverance, and hard work.

Having battled Lyme disease as a child, Dr. Rahm’s concerned parents insisted she stay close to home to pursue higher education. Always an adventurer, free spirit, and gypsy-like—and since both her siblings chose to travel the world—her parents were afraid that she would follow suit and go somewhere international, and never return home | |

After earning her master’s degree, she entered a doctorate program and was anxiously looking forward to giving birth to her first child. Then, the unthinkable happened. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that they said would metastasize all over her body. She was 25 years old. Up until that point she’d led a rather charmed life. Recognizing that her life may well be cut short, she was faced with a choice—give up or do as much good as possible with the time she had left. Her deep roots in southern Missouri soil and her strong belief in a higher power simply wouldn’t allow her to do the former. She decided to focus on being a bright light. And, she’s been shining ever since.

As the chief formulator for The Root Brands | | an emerging global nutraceutical company, Dr. Rahm develops products to detoxify the body, combat the signs of aging, and promote cell regeneration. Ella Pure Skin Care | | her all-natural skin care products, set to launch this October in over 60 countries, are designed to meet the needs of aging skin, and to nourish and give skin a youthful appearance | Hello @ |. Named after her daughter and inspired by Dr. Rahm's time in the pharmaceutical industry, Ella Pure is based in her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee | |

Dr. Rahm’s unwavering commitment to eradicating toxins led her to create Rahm Roast | | is a detox coffee totally free of many of the unseen harmful agents that find their way into your morning cup of Joe. Dr. Rahm views one of her highest mindful purposes as the remediation and rejuvenation of the environment. She started ENVIREM | | an environmental remediation company, to offer advice on how to avoid toxins and protect us and our families from harmful substances | | hello @ |

She hopes to promote solutions by partnering with Save Soil | | is a global movement launched by Indian yoga guru and mystic, Sadhguru. Save Soil addresses the crisis by engaging activists and supporting leaders to institute policies to increase the organic content of cultivable soil. Dr. Rahm is aiming to make science sexy by bringing together the art of science in fashion, food, music, and travel on her latest platform, Under the Red Chandelier (UTRC)— | | is an online space for the arts and sciences, and people’s understanding of them, to come together. The title of her book series sums up her philosophy nicely—Cure the Causes: Live the Life you Want, Not the One Prescribed—| | weaving us through why illness can happen to all of us, and how healing can happen by focusing on the cause instead of the symptoms.

As founder and CEO of Social Peace Project | | is a nonprofit utilizing education as a means to achieve social peace, Dr. Rahm hopes to raise awareness of the importance of education as a tool for social change; and provide access, resources and opportunity for people to develop skills and knowledge to build peaceful societies. The International Science and Nutrition Society (ISNS) | | of which Dr. Rahm is founder and CEO, collaborates with innovators in science, technology, and medicine to bring forward leading-edge concepts and new paradigms of health and wellness | |

Dr. Christina Rahm: Dr. Rahm (AKA: Dr. Christina Rahm Cook) is an ‘artistic scientist’ and experienced ‘clinical researcher.’ She has traveled worldwide consulting for international businesses in these critical areas: (1) Best Business-Practices, (2) the Power of Natural, Healthy Ingredients and (3) The Importance of Focusing on Self-Wellness.

Dr. Rahm’s education consists of: Undergraduate degree, Master degree, Doctorates, and Post-Graduate-work in Science. Her extensive focus includes targeted education and enhanced training in: Tissue Engineering, Counseling, Psychology, Nano-Structures, Health Rehabilitation, Biochemical Engineering, Nano-Technology, Bioscience Engineering, Biomedical Product Development, Nano-Biotechnology in addition to Targeted Drug Delivery.

Dr. Rahm’s continued-education includes advanced-studies at: Southwest Baptist, Murray State University, University of South Alabama, University of Sarasota, Argosy University, Peri Institute along with Harvard and Charter. Dr. Rahm is not a M.D. (i.e. Medical Doctor), but rather the title, Dr. Christina Rahm and/or Dr. Christina Rahm Cook, is her public figure name and relates directly to her dedicated efforts, and Advanced Degrees, in the Sciences (Including Doctorate and Post-Doctorate work in various scientific fields).

Root Wellness LLC
116 Wilson Pike Circle, Suite 100
Brentwood, TN 37027

Dr. Rahm’s Pharmaceutical and Biotech careers consist of executive level work in: Business and Industry Consulting, Clinical Science, Sales, Medical Science, as well as Clinical Research. She has worked with companies including: Pfizer, Bristol Meyer Squibb, UCB, Biogen, Biogen Idec, Janssen / J&J, and Alexion. Because of concerns with unverifiable finished-product quality, Dr. Rahm no longer has confidence in, and does not endorse or ‘back,’ any previous, cold-press, seed-based nutritional products that she helped to formulate and/or manufacture. Furthermore, again for efficacious reasons, Dr. Rahm also does not endorse, represent, license, or sale any diluted “water solutions” like: Water-soluble zeolite clinoptilolite fragments, Water-soluble zeolite products, and/or any fictional products that have “hydrolyzed clinoptilolite fragments” because of well documented quality-control, safety concerns, and the lack of real-world results.

While Dr. Rahm previously filed provisional patents in this particular toxin removal and detoxifying space, upon reviewing hard scientific findings, she subsequently decided to not defend any patents due to a lack of confidence in both the: (a) Formulations (b) Manufacturing processes and the (c) Clearly undeveloped and unproven technologies. Instead, Dr. Rahm pivoted and has developed scientifically superior products by utilizing her years of advanced Bio-Science Engineering, proven Nutraceutical Product Development and Registered, Pharmaceutical-Grade, Laboratory Protocols (Including cGMP: Current Good Manufacturing Practice).

CLAYTON THOMAS: “Clayton Thomas” possesses over 25 years’ experience in health and wellness. Growing up in an animal veterinary practice in southwest Washington, Clayton has a unique background in integrative therapies and research science that started in animal health. Having a degree in humanities with a focus in communications, business and kinesiology, his broad studies has allowed for a history that includes research and formula development.

For the last 16 years, “Clayton Thomas” has focused on detoxification formulas and business ventures. His background has included environmental and human health solutions, but he has remained dedicated to animal health. An entrepreneur in the healthcare industry he has developed business models of analytical testing in medical practices to improve quality of care by identifying risks of the big three diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, with additional risk factors. “Clayton Thomas” has served as a business development specialist in every aspect of wellness: sales, distribution, formulation creation, consulting, manufacturing and now the architect of an entirely new method of business with the ROOT social sharing community platform. His mission is to help improve the world through scientific and business approaches. A simple philosophy: Cure the Cause.

Keys to Success. Direct Sales can be a tricky line of work given the difficulty of winning clients and the need to stay within legal guidelines. Success requires the ability to win others over so that they either buy your product or help sell it. It also calls for a high level of faith in the product you’re marketing and the company behind it. Here are the top reasons why one prospers in Direct Sales:

(1) Stability and Reputation: Working with a company that's been around for a while and makes a product that enjoys a good reputation helps lead to success. Direct Selling companies can sometimes appear similar to pyramid or Ponzi schemes, which are illegal multi-level investment vehicles that exist solely to get new distributors to pay into the system. Since Direct Selling companies market and sell products and services, the better the track record one can point to, the easier it will be to ease the concerns of potential recruits and buyers.

(2) Product Usefulness: Given the difficult Direct Selling landscape, ones chances of success increase if they are selling something people are already familiar with, have a need for and will value when they own it. Try to market something that’s of low quality, or that one doesn’t use themselves, and the customers will not buy it. If one can't sit at lunch and convince them you love what is being explained, they won't love it either.

(3) Do Your Research: Know how to get paid to do and how the money made from your efforts is distributed. Find out how much of each sales dollar gets sent back from the distributor and how the money is divided across each link of the MLM chain. Make sure you are comfortable with the arrangement and with what it requires you to do. If incentives require moving vast quantities of product, be comfortable with the quotas. If it's all about securing customers, investigate whether the company falls on the right side of the legal divide between MLM marketing and pyramid schemes.

(4) Network Management: Succeeding in Direct Sales requires supporting recruits brought in as well as the ones the recruits later add to their own networks. Turning recruits into “orphans” -- those who don’t get the support or training they need because their mentors are too busy -- is a sure way to make them into frustrated salesmen who either quit or fail to reach their potential. Train and support recruits in order to make them capable of both selling the product and further promoting the company. Mentoring and coaching can be a critical element to entrepreneurs, taking advantage of the inherent financial stake someone has in the success of their recruits.

(5) Sell, Sell, Sell: Ultimately, to succeed in the Direct Sales business, you have to be a somewhat of an average salesman. Use social networks, both actual and virtual, to serve as the base of both customers and recruits. Success comes down to sales, whether they are the products being sold to customers or those recruits move, and the more customers, the more likely one is likely to find this a lucrative line of work.

Root Wellness LLC
Root Wellness LLC
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